all postcodes in YO42 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO42 2FD 3 0 53.932072 -0.768215
YO42 2AA 1 1 53.932002 -0.777241
YO42 2AB 17 12 53.931706 -0.777371
YO42 2AD 4 0 53.931692 -0.78035
YO42 2AE 24 15 53.931549 -0.777848
YO42 2AF 7 4 53.931293 -0.777368
YO42 2AG 7 7 53.931144 -0.778599
YO42 2AH 7 7 53.930902 -0.777814
YO42 2AJ 1 1 53.930827 -0.777451
YO42 2AL 7 7 53.931023 -0.778214
YO42 2AP 4 4 53.930792 -0.778412
YO42 2AQ 1 1 53.93115 -0.778362
YO42 2AR 15 14 53.930298 -0.77857
YO42 2AS 12 9 53.930367 -0.779162
YO42 2AU 6 5 53.93044 -0.780135
YO42 2AW 12 5 53.930858 -0.778752
YO42 2AX 13 7 53.930919 -0.780296
YO42 2AY 12 0 53.93141 -0.780076
YO42 2AZ 4 1 53.931141 -0.780114
YO42 2BA 26 0 53.931091 -0.779576